I have a good story from this week. We went to teach a second lesson to a man named Anil Kumar and his family. We went and started teaching them in their shack of a house it is like 10x10. with a queen sized bed in it. It's only one room. Anyway, so we started teaching, and I guess they had told all their neighbors about us coming. So by the end of the lesson we were teaching 30 people. He was the only one that knew English also so he was translating. It was crazy. I have never seen that many people crammed into that small of a space. It was insane. I am pretty excited for him. He tried to come to church last Sunday, but he couldn't find the church. He called me during Sacrament, but obviously I didn't answer. He said he is coming next week. I'm happy for him.
Thirty people?! Sounds like some of the meetings that the early missionaries of the church had! MM
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